We're moving to Suite 100, Gateway Medical Center, 1007 Harlow Road in Springfield on August 5th!

Our Clinic

Visit McKenzie Pediatrics in Eugene-Springfield Oregon for Pediatric Physicians treating children of all ages.

McKenzie Pediatrics was formed in July 1998 by Dr. Huffman, and moved to our current location in August 2001. Dr. Hokari joined McKenzie Pediatrics in January 2005, and Dr. Carroll joined in July 2018. We have a staff of two nurses (Sierra with Dr. Huffman, Serena with Dr. Carroll), and two reception/referral coordinators (Abigail and Mackenzie).

Our office manager is Amy Ward, who can be reached at our main number, 541-726-4100.

Breast Feeding Visit at 1 Week, Then 1st Well-Check at 2 Weeks Infant & Toddler Well-Check Visits at 2,...

Office Hours Monday through Fridays 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. We are closed Christmas Day, New Year's Day, Memorial...

Please be at least 20 minutes early to Well-Child Checks! Office visits with the physician are 10-15 minutes for Ill-Visits,...